Ideal changes

Coming from Fusion 360, the ability to hit S to start a sketch is a must, or least the ability to choose my own shortcut like D for draw.

Also, the Replace Face is something I use constantly, since F360 has its own Extrude to plane or extent, but this option is hidden in More. It’d be ideal on screen or allow me to move it to the main set of tools, or allow a hotkey for it.

If you don’t use Replace Face I find it slow to drag the plane to another plane and hoping I get them lined up.

It’s slower to work, being unable to hit S or D for sketch, or another letter for Replace Face. These changes would speed up the workflow. I wouldn’t need to move my mouse all the way across to the opposite side of the screen to my hand to click Sketch or More > Replace Face.

I find it slows me down, a bottleneck if you will.

Thank you.

In Shapr3D it’s the space button.

If you are using the parametric version already, you can simply drag the extrusion on any face or body, you don’t need to use Replace face for that.

Thank you Istvan.

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