Is there a tutorial for a screw cap


would like to ask if there is a tutorial on how to design a screw cap. Its often needed and I do not really know the physics of it like the gap between the screw and the cap. Also an optimal shape for the screw would be great. Any rules of thumb you guys use?


This isn’t a tutorial but it might help understand some of the mechanics of it.


Thanks that’s all I need, to pull a thread is easy, well its Shapr after all :slight_smile:

Still if someone is making a screw a tutorial would be awesome with the caveats. A screw cap and fitting screw is an advanced design to work well machanically in my opinion.
In the link the images are unreadable.

General rule of thumb would be great for 3D Print. Minimal size and shape of thread cross section and minimal or free space for the cap piece. How beginning an ending of the thread must be. Also angle of the thread. What do you guys use?