Want to make a Tube to hold Cribbage Peg Pieces

I want to make a tube that holds Cribbage Pieces and has a screw on or push on Cap, screw would be nice, but i need to 3D print it so maybe that might not work so well, but a push on cap would be just as good…

I want to make it 55mm long with cap and 15mm wide, I might have to make it a little wider because it has to be a 3D print…and might be thin…

Can anyone start me off, I am new to this a bit and I thought about the tube is just a cylinder made with the shell command, but then to get more accurate I can just extrude it…to hold the pieces.

The toughpart for me is how to fashion a cap with like a locking lip on the inside of some kind… or the locking lip on the tube…or both…

I still would also like to make a screw cap…

Thanks for any help…


Michael, I 3D print threads all the time. I just import the threads from McMaster-Carr, male and female, integrate them into my design, and print.

Just for fun…


I seen you said that to others, but not how to do it…Yup that’s why I need, that case idea, I would have no idea what size I would need…can you just take any size? and then incorporate? or how do you pick a size to match my dimensions?

Can you show me an example in a movie? and also where are these threads on their website I can import? I need to see how to import it and incorporate…

NiceI i need that idea of a case…, but I need to figure out how to get to that point, to learn on here is what I thought the point was…

Did you make that in Shapr3D? the visual?

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I will happily make a video, but tomorrow at the latest. I’m traveling. If anyone else can show the import, and integration into the design, please jump in. @TigerMike ?

that would be great…I was able to import a Screw from MC, and it is next to my design, i thought maybe i could split the body of that screw but it keeps telling me it The selected surface can’t split the bodies, I tried to use a construction plain like i did on my tube and split it for the effect of a body and a cap, that worked ok once i figured it out, so i thought i could split the screw 15mm the size of my cap The selected surface can’t split the bodies…

Yes, I made this in Shapr3D and used the visualisation feature.

I had planned to upload a video of my workflow but I can rarely reduce the file size below the maximum 10MB

The thread was relatively straight forward to produce.
(@McD suggested importing a thread from McMaster-Carr but I’m not familiar with them. But, I’m curious now and will certainly take look)

However, I can’t see why one can’t revolve a simple profile to create the male then subtract to create the female.
(and before anyone jumps all over me… of course you will need to allow for clearance)

This can be done by creating the male thread slightly oversize the subtracting it from the female half and then re-make the male thread at the correct size and add to the male half.

You’ll need to create clearance at the root of the thread too.
(either in the od of the male or the id of the female)

I don’t have a 3D printer so can’t give advice on tolerances but I’m sure a little trial and error will get you on the right path.
(in my example I’ve allowed 0.1mm tolerance)

First I created the cylinder and shelled to create the desired wall thickness.

I then offset…

…and stepped down to accommodate the threads and cap wall depth.

Created thread profile 1mm + 0.1mm = 1.1mm
I made sure to start below the surface.

Revolve desired number of turns.
I made sure to finish above the top face.

Split body to make thread start flush with top face.

Created the lid.

Shelled to create the desired wall thickness to match the cylinder.

Positioned over main cylinder.

Subtract the oversized thread from lid.

Used offset to reduce the thread by 0.1mm to achieve a 1mm thread

Et Voila!

As usual, there are many other ways to achieve the same result and with a bit of trial and error, practice and patience you will find a solution that will fit your particular workflow/preference.

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Great progress. The MC are just STEP files, so not full editing capability. But you can subtract from them.

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This will help, but maybe you can video each step, as you shown here, especially the important one’s…

Instead of an all in one video.

I find that a video helps me a ton, as I am working on an Imac and it is different a bit from iPad, and the videos seem to help me get it right…

So maybe a couple of video’s will cover what i need possibly?

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No problem. I’ll create a couple of short videos in a little while.

I just need to settle the kids down first and get them off to bed.

I got all the way to where you created the threads on the main body…which face do you work on the cutaway face, or the main body face for the tube?

I have the Cap, just want to get the main body threads done…lol

Uploading: Screen Shot 2022-04-20 at 1.41.00 PM.png…


You will need to add the threads to the main body first.

Here is a series of videos to illustrate my workflow…

Create Cylinders for Body and Cap

Shell the Cylinders

Create the Step

Create the Oversized Thread Profile

Revolve to Create the Thread

Split Body to make Thread flush with Upper Surface

Align the Cap
I found it easier to align with base of body then move the appropriate amount.

Subtract the Oversized Thread from the Cap

Resize the Thread and Union to Body
Then Resize the ID of the Cap Wall to allow Clearance

Cross-Section View to Illustrate the Clearances

Visualisation of the completed Project

Hope this helps :slightly_smiling_face:

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Here’s my contribution. Here I modified a simple pill box I designed and 3D printed for myself. I changed the dimensions to match your 55mm height. I made the nominal wall thickness 1.2mm which is perfect for a .4mm nozzle. My tube has a simple snap on cap. Here’s the video and here’s the Shapr3D file to use as you wish.
Tube&Cap.shapr (23.0 KB)


Wow thanks! How do you get your videos smaller to upload?

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I use an iPad Pro and simply make a screen recording while modeling things in Shapr3D. Then I use iMovie to removed the dead time and export at a smaller resolution where needed. I also speed up the playback if necessary to make it fit under 10mb. FWIW, @PEC has had good luck doing Mac screen recordings with CleanShot X.

BTW, the Tube&Cap file should 3D print nicely. It was designed for 3D printing and NO supports. I hate supports. When I 3D printed the pill box, I used Colorfabb’s nGen filament, FYI.

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I make sure they’re no longer than around 30 sec then bring them into iMovie.

I then reduce the file size and quality until they’re under 10MB.

Typically, a 30 sec long video at low quality and 540p is 9.9MB

Other people frequently upload longer videos after compressing with other software.

Some will post a link to a Facebook, YouTube or Cloud based video.

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I use iMovie on my MacBook Air but there’s a limit to how small I can reduce the file size.

30sec clip at Low quality and 540p is 9.9MB

I can’t get it any smaller.

Other than my iPad Pro, my main desktop is an iMac Pro.
You can load the 540p video in Quicktime and export as 480p. My Tube&Cap video above is 8.6mb at 540p. When exported in Quicktime at 480p, it weighs in at 4.1mb.
BTW, iMovie on the iPad will let me export as low as 360p however I have no options for quality.

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Thanks. That’s great to know :ok_hand: