Is There A Way to "Group" Bodies temporarily?

I am working on a design with lots of parts, and things keep getting out of alignment/position with each other as I make tweaks and whatnot. So my question is twofold:

A) is there a way to ‘group’ bodies (not permanently, as in “Union”) so that the relationships between them remains fixed?

Or, B) alternatively, is there a way to ‘lock’ bodies so they simply can’t be inadvertently altered/moved without having to ‘unlock’ them first?

If you place the bodies together in a group (folder) in the items sidebar.
Then when you click on that group (folder) they all get selected.

Doing this has the added benefit of being able to show and hide a group of bodies by simply showing or hiding the folder. Unfortunately, certain tools don’t work on a folder of objects (e.g. aligning multiple nested bodies to another body). We’d need a feature similar to the Fusion component for that.

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I was sort of doing that in a bass-ackwards way-- highlinghting all the bodies I want to keep together, exporting as a parasolid, then reimporting-- which puts them in all one folder. That being said, while either of these do sort of group them, it doesn’t protect them from accidental alterations.

I really think there should be a lock feature for bodies that can be selected to prevent them from moving or being manipulated in any way.