Last Edit Date and Alphabetical Sorting in Folders

The Folders in 5.492 are awesome!

One problem I have is the automatic sorting of projects inside a folder. It seems that these are ordered by last opened date where there was a change—even a reorienting the workspace by double tapping the cube will bubble that project to the top of the list.

With HBPM it seems there is an opportunity to differentiate between an edit to the model, and simply looking at the model and changing the view.

I would find it very convenient to have a “last edit” date available where there is an actual change to the model. So if I open a project, grab a few bodies, isolate them, and finally export them that the “last edit” date does not change. That would reset the “last view” date which is not as interesting to me.

Inside Folders, I would like to be able to toggle the manner in which they are sorted: Alphabetical, or Last Edit

Thanks for your feedback. These are under our radar but are not yet included in the immediate roadmap.

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Thanks Edgar,
Glad to hear it is on your radar!