List of the current problems related to the new update & asking for advice if needed

Just signed up in Shapr3d community and first time using this so, if this post has any problem or is in violation of something, pelase let me know, I’m just desperate.

I REALLY tried to endure it because I have trust in this program and its programming team but the new system is not working.

Now models are totally dependent on sketches and the History is not helping at all. I don’t want this to sound as me complaining or venting but it seems that on all threads the conversations are always like…

User: This is problem X and it’s really difficult to deal with since it only happens in the current version.
Shapr Team: don’t worry, you just have to get used to it and, also, we solved the Y,Z,K, and M problems. We know that these problems never existed and nobody complained about those. We know that, also, nobody asked us to implement such Y, Z, K, and M but this update just solves them. Aren’t you happy?

…so, let me write down the problems since I have to work on multiple account, for multiple annoying and stupidly secretive clients…

1) The models are too much dependent on the sketches, more than necessary.
I delete a line that I used to cut a sketch? Well…I guess that now a part of the model does not exist anymore.
I delete a line I used as plane of simmetry? Welp, I guess that the model is not symmetrical anymore or it’s just cut in half.
I use a sketch to line up a model I dragged around? Welp, I guess that such sketch cannot be deleted anymore because now the model is dependent on it and it gets deleted even if the sketch itself was not the one that generated the model.
I move the WHOLE sketch in another position because of personal commodity? Well, I guess that the model follows it too.
Is the previous model a conglomerate of more models derived from different sketches? Well…just by touching the sketch, the model has now been successfully dismembered from the sketch-meatgrinder (LOL)
By some kind of error I trace new lines in the same file/folder/whatever of a previous sketch that generated a model…and then delete any part of any line/shape of any sketch? Welp…it’s nightmare time because now the previous model is dependent of the new sketch and the new model is dependet of the old sketch too.
I move a part of the sketch? Now part of the model is moved too AND if I previously moved the model, it is now over-moved and out of line from the rest of everything.

2) Can I not just ignore/hide the sketches? Model-sketch dependecy slows down the sketching speed.
Since any variation of the sketch will comport a variation of the model, now, every time we add-remove something from a sketch (or downright sketch the sketch), the program will start checking if any action comports modifying a model, existing or not. Such process slows down everything since the program frozes for a moment at best, for 3/4 seconds on potato PCs like the one I use for random modelling/testing.

3) Everything-History dependency ALSO slows down everything
Since everything is not fluid anymore but it is registered on the History panel, every time I go back to modify something through History, every action taken AFTER the selected item/step, might be deleted, modified or altered (also because of point 1 dependency)

4) Everything-History dependency ALSO slows down everything
Since everything is not fluid anymore but it is registered on the History panel, every time I go back to modify something through History or by checking/modifying a relatively old sketch, the program has to check if any alterations have to be made TO ANY OF THE HISTORY ITEMS after the selected one. On a serious PC it might take 10-20 second, on a potato PC it can take more than a minute or the program might downright crash.

5) Overheating is a problem and you can say all you want but is it just a coincidence that Overheating has been reported ONLY AFTER the update?
Since the 4 previous point mean that the program has to check models and sketches to update everything…who does the checking? Me? The cake in the oven that I should check on isntead of tipying? The RAM and the processors (if I’m not wrong) have to to do it and on PotatoPCs it is stressing and a GODDAMN LOT of work to be done back to back.

6) I will not buy a new PC just because you want do “ImPrOvE” a system that worked flawlessly…
I work on other account, on other better performing compoters of my clients and the need to buy a new PC for myself, because I cannot randomly waste time on Shapr for fun just becxause my potato PC does not keep up…is bad. Shapr has been a success because even a potato PC could handle it (and people could carry around and work on potato PCs anytime anywhere).

So, after I have clearly written some of the problems, here is why I chose the “NEED HELP” tag: are these problems gonna be solved soon or can you give me advice on choosing a new program that can operate like Shapr3d whilst being as much intuitive BUT that does not have the previously listed issues? Productivity on my part has been decreasing, my stress level and the one of my clients has skyrocketed and we (mostly I) need to know if this program will return to its better days or if we need to look for something new.

Hope you answer me and forgive my rudeness/mistakes; really stressed and first time using the community topic system.


Thank you for your feedback. We are confident that the hybrid parametric-direct modeling approach is the right strategy for our product. That being said your first few points will be partially addressed with the next release where you will be able to collapse the feature tree.

Modifying sketches should be just as fast as in the previous versions, unless you already built a lot of operations on the top of the sketch. In this case one option is to create a copy of the sketch if you want to modify it. With the collapse history feature, you’ll be able to remove the dependencies too.

In some cases we have indeed identified performance regressions, which are being addressed by our team. Performance regressions mostly affect large assemblies, with very complex surfaces (like a lot of text on a surface), and some other cases as well.

We regularly receive reports about increased heat dissipation of mobile devices when using our product. We have not received an increased number of reports in the last few weeks about this issue. That being said, some of the performance issues that we are working on can cause increased heat dissipation as well. If there is any particular design or operation that is causing this with your computer, we’d love to take a look if you can share the design confidentially.


“We are confident that the hybrid parametric-direct modeling approach is the right strategy for our product.”
Since I am not a programmer and know pratically nothing of programming, I will not dare to tell you how to make/modify your product…
since my main job is being a pilot, let me give you an advice, a concrete one: No system or program will be better, perfect or efficient IF such prgram needs a human component to function. Since Shapr is made to be used by a human, human interface should be taken into consideration instead of blindly creating a perfect program that the user canbnot use because of stress and trust me, i know a lot about this since the 96% of aviation accidents have been caused and are still being caused by the human component.

“Modifying sketches should be just as fast as in the previous versions, unless you already built a lot of operations on the top of the sketch. In this case one option is to create a copy of the sketch if you want to modify it. With the collapse history feature, you’ll be able to remove the dependencies too.”
Once this collapsign feature will be implemented, will it be possible to downright remove the dependency from the first skecth? I have seen that a lot of users (me included) like to build the model, modify the sketch, build a new model and so on, comparing them at the end.

" and some other cases as well."
You mean like…the PC needing to check a mountain of items for possible alteration just beacuse I added a line in the skectch? -_-

“We have not received an increased number of reports in the last few weeks about this issue.”
Then, please accept my apologies. Maybe I just got biased and gave more importance than usual to such things in the last weeks.


Yes, that’s what that feature does.