Improvements to parametric modeling

Based on your feedback, we’ll look into improving the following behaviors.

  1. The way move/copy works. We’ll revisit some of the changes that were introduced with this release. Most likely we won’t roll it back completely, but we’ll look into how to improve it.
  2. We’ll add an option to collapse the history, and remove all the dependencies. After the collapse, the history will be recorded again, but whenever you want to discard the parametric relationships, you’ll be able to do so.
  3. Performance issues. We’ve heard that some of you are experiencing performance degradation with some designs. We’ll look into this. It would be really helpful if you could share those designs that are not performing as they should. Not every performance issue is related to parametric modeling, but if you believe that the latest release degraded the performance of any of your existing designs, please let us know.
  4. Red items in the menu. This will be completely removed. You can ignore it for now.

If you have any other actionable feedback on what to improve, please comment below. Non-constructive feedback will be moderated. Feedback should focus on major workflow blockers/changes that were introduced with parametric modeling.

Special thanks to @Shaun for providing high quality, actionable feedback, in a highly constructive manner. Be like Shaun!

For those who are struggling, please

  1. Turn on the “Bodies” filter in the Items menu
  2. Hide the History panel

In this case, Shapr3D should work almost exactly the same as it used to before the release. If you still have issues, please let us know. Our main design principle was to make sure that the direct modeling workflow stays as good as it was, and parametric modeling should interfere with it as little as possible.

For those who are eager to learn, and excited to improve their workflow, please check out the tutorials linked in this comment.


Please add “filter by operation” to parametric tab. Looking for a pattern I did today and it took way too long to find :slight_smile: only had like 3 Patterns, so it would have sped up the search dramatically. Thanks :+1:


Ended up just clicking the object to get related history, but with internal components i’d prefer to have the option to search.

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Can you elaborate please?

My biggest challenge has simply been the 180° change in how sketch planes work. A big part of my workflow had become deleting unnecessary sketches as I go, to keep the workspace clean and the file as uncomplicated as possible. I’m on an iPad Pro so the less complicated the file the better, for all the reasons. I watched the new video about parametric and I get how it works and what it’s for. But it seems at odds with the direct modeling workflow I’ve learned. I’ll try your suggestions about the Bodies filter and turning off history. My question is, is there a way to know whether a body is dependent on a sketch? Can there be an alert if you try to delete a simple sketch that erases a body that you don’t want deleted?


Had to open up the project to click my bearings to see its history because it was taking too long to find the “pattern” in history tab. If I could use history search and filter by the operation, it would be useful and make it quicker to find.

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Hi Istvan

I trialled the beta version and I can see some huge advantages, I have also been through many of the tutorials, and tried out some ideas.
However I do not quite understand what you mean turn on the bodies, well I think I do but I have some very simple sketches and bodies that I am just using to trial the new system with.
However when i have all the bodies, sketches and planes turned on the left side, when I delete a sketch this still deletes the body. I know everyone says just hide the sketch and do not delete it but sometimes with what I do and how I create, I want to change the basic shape to try alternatives and then overlay them to see the subtle differences, but as soon as I copy or try to update the original sketch to create a new variation then the item either disappears or gets modified. What is the suggested work around?
Also when you say close the history panel do mean just do not bother with it?
All this seems a pity as I can see the power in modifying shapes and using the history based process but there just seems to be so many new variables that are really hard to understand and to get to grips with, and that is as I say going through all the many tutorials that are available.
I have not given up yet and will not until I try a little longer, after using and working in Shapr3d for almost 4 years I still like the concept and process, and although not the most prolific or most talented operator I have been able to design projects that I need for my model business.
Is there any way that or people out there that can sometimes offer one to one training, I do not mind paying a reasonable rate if that is a possibility. I am sure that there are many of us out there that just do not understand the wording and the jargon but once shown practically will have a better grasp.
Hope that together we can all work out these points and issues so that we can make use of history power but not loose bodies and parts of designs by taking a wrong step.

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Sure! You select it, and all the related steps will show up in the history panel.

Is it a solution for this if you turn on the Bodies filter, so you won’t see the sketches at all?

This. It will hide the sketches, and you will only see the bodies in the Items menu.

Screenshot 2024-04-28 at 23.31.38


Can you be more specific please? What’s hard exactly? If you don’t use the history, pretty much everything will work just like it worked before.

I just saw your reply above to the other user, before you replied to me, I still need to see my sketches, if I isolate just the bodies then how would I get anything to work, at some stage I need to switch sketches on again to create the next part or drawing.
I am sorry if I am just being stupid or not understanding, but this is why later in my previous reply I ask about someone to one tuition or some other ideas to get to better understanding.

Can you please explain how and why you need to reuse your sketches in your workflow?

Side note, a moveable “section view” would greatly help in this situation.

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Sure, that’s coming - although it’s not related to parametric modeling :slight_smile:

Istvan, I will need to take this off the forum page and submit a ticket and try and put videos or drawings through to you, however I find those things very difficult to do as well. However I will try.
I am not sure if you will understand what I am saying now, but if I use a spline to make say a heart shape, I then want to keep that shape as it is so I can print it to see if it will fit I a model aircraft that I design. I then print the part and it does not fit, we are talking often in mm or less than mm, I then want to make the bottom point of the heart no longer pointed but make a slight radius on it, I do not want to draw the complex shape all over again, but I also want to keep the old design in case I want to return to it OR to overlay the two shapes to get a visual on the changes made.
Also as I said history does have some great advantages and it seems a pity not to be able to use them if it is available, but at the same time more understanding is needed so that I do not loose work.
Let me know if it would be better if I raise tickets to deal with these issues off the forum.

I see. Soon you’ll have the option to collapse the History anytime, but until then you can create a copy of your sketches, that will not be related to the bodies.

Please add visual feedback if sketch is fully constrain or not. Relating parametric version, I don’t have a problem with them, but what I really miss is visual feedback in sketching. For example like in Solidworks or fusion you can see if the sketch is completed constrain or not. This feature will really help me with my working, because sometimes I forgot to dimension something and later if I change some size in history tree, the model is damaged and I must return to sketch and add the forgoten dimension. It´s frustration to me a little bit. However because of parametric modeling I fully moved from fusion 360 to Shapr3D. The work now is perfect✌️

Okay I actually did find something new and weird. I just took a flat plate and cut a half cylinder with a circle sketch. I went to go rotate the sketch and it turned the cutout as well with it.

I thought, neat, I can just copy that cutout and rotate it and it’ll save me some time. But what ended up happening is that if I copy, i only move the sketch.

Either let me copy the cut out so I can repeat that work, disable the sketch from being locked to the cutout so I can rotate it without copying it, or give me the option to unlock it from the cutout.

Today, I found that the original few documents that needed to be submitted could not be opened (not all) and were almost on the verge of collapse. I hope to adjust them as soon as possible.

Can you please elaborate on this? What does that mean?

Sure, we will! In this thread we just want to collect those issues that are annoying to old Shapr3D users, workflow changes that were introduced with parametric modeling.