Mirror help

Good day I am trying to mirror the 2 consturction circles at the bottom of this extrustion to the top of the extrusion so that I do not have to re draw the 2 circles. But when i use mirror program places it above the face.

Is there a better way of doing this?

If you want to use mirror, you have to create a plane exactly to the middle of the body. When you select a plane in mirror tool, you select where a mirror would be, not the target.

You can use the Project tool instead, and project the circles to the top face.

Alternatively, you can select the circles, and move+copy them by exactly the height of the body.

OK so here is what ive found with projection

If one choses the projected circle and extrude inwards the distance is displayed along the entire height of the body.

If one choses the original circle and then project inward the extrusion is distance starts at zero



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