I understand that the S3D Team are working on this problem.
This is a workaround for the current inability to properly handle flat angled faces.
Note: This is using the Body simulating the actual Assembly in:
Use the Assembly of Components to capture the needed Profile by Selection of the Edges or the whole set of Bodies by Projecting onto a Plane [Below Left]:
Hide the Bodies and use Add > Construction Plane from the Plane carrying the Profile, ensuring that the CP is Offset [Above Right]
Double Tap with a Finger on the CP, this should result in a square on view with the Profile showing behind:
In the above the Straight Lines were drawn and the Spline used to form a Closed Shape needed to form the Body.
Sketch > Spline was used to create a close match for the Profile in this ScreenShot, resulting in the ‘Cable’ being ‘broken’ at the join of the two upper faces:
In this ScreenShot the Spline was very slightly modified to smooth the offending angle change, and the ‘Cable’ remained intact:
This is the shapr. File if you wish to review the result in detail:
BodyFromSpline.shapr (264 KB)
If this result is considered satisfactory the ‘dummy’ Body is hidden and replaced with the actual Assembly.