Quick jump into the new 2D section views. Great start!
Initial few comments:
- If I delete a section view to renew it (because I want to adjust the section line position) the replacement section takes the next letter. So need control of section naming.
- for architects a ‘section’ showing a floor plan is not a section and so shouldn’t have a section line or naming,
- need some control over hatch infill. Architects often use a solid fill for less detailed sections or a variety of hatches for the different materials in a detailed section,
- as has been mentioned before, there needs to be some control over the line thicknesses. Especially for sections as conventionally the lines along the section are usually somewhat thinker than those for objects in the background. Helps to identify what’s in section and what’s in relief,
- control over drawing items is really a general issue. Text, section lines, arrow style, line styles, hatches, notes, dims, title blocks etc etc all needed to personalise a drawing (and to fit some drawing conventions relevant to each discipline),
- a more general issue on ‘re doing’ views. It would be really nice to be able to make adjustments to a view without having to delete it and start again. As with changing which objects are included in a view requires a delete and start again so does any change for the section views. I can’t just move the section line and have the section view update, I have to delete and start again which also means staring again with notes and dims etc. Very time consuming.
Sorry to jump straight in, it’s great to have sections added but thought I’d make some notes.
Thanks all. Keep up the great work.