Nudge Tool?

Can someone explain to me why Shapr3D does not have a nudge tool?

It seems backward that there is no such tool. I can see why it did not exist on the iPad, but on a desktop machine, it makes no sense. I constantly have to take something from Shapr3D to my CAD program to get something more precisely located. Using the standard arrow widget to move things around is great, but it lacks the precision needed. Don’t get me started on using the popup numeric interface to position something.

Is there a reason there is no nudge tool?

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What is a nudge tool?

A nudge tool is where you can use the arrow keys on the keyboard to move a selected element by a specified amount. Essentially nudging the element in the specified direction. It is something present in a lot of CAD software and also in most vector drawing programs. I can understand why it would not be present on something like the iPad, but on a desktop machine, it is incredibly useful.

Got it! There are many different ways to position bodies accurately in Shapr3D, and it’s important to understand the various tools available to you in order to work effectively and efficiently.

One tool that can be helpful for positioning bodies accurately is the Align tool. This tool allows you to align one or more bodies with a reference body, ensuring that they are precisely positioned in relation to each other.

Another tool that can be useful for positioning bodies is the Move/Rotate tool. This tool allows you to move and rotate bodies by dragging them or using numerical input. This can be helpful for making precise adjustments to the position and orientation of a body. You can change the pivot point by dragging it to any geometry.

The Translate tool allows you to move a body along a specific axis or direction. This can be useful for making precise adjustments to the position of a body without changing its orientation.

Finally, the Rotate around axis tool allows you to rotate a body around a specific axis. This can be helpful for making precise rotations around an axis.

Remember, it’s important to experiment with these tools and try out different techniques to see what works best for you. Don’t be afraid to try new things and see what you can create!