Trying to draw fish details (scales and gill plates) on lofted bodies and although I can make them extrude/fillet sometimes, more often I get the error message: operation failed because the resulting body wouldn’t be valid. What could I be doing wrong? The projected sketches are made from some kinda complex spline sketches, am I just maxing out my iPad’s brain?
I think you are reaching the limit of push and pull extruding on the same body. As you put more details and features you will start getting more errors. You are basically creating by mathematic algorithms and when it reaches a limit you get errors.
The fishing lure, instead of manipulating the same body, create features separately, like the gills, eye, etc… Add them or boolean them off the body.
Also consider other softwares that is more push-pull friendly like a sculpt tool, like nomad or blender.
Might be a more fun experience, also there are lot more tutorials out for what you want to create for these other softwares.
I hate to say it because it sounds like “blame the user” and nothing could be further from the truth. 99% of the time I get this error it’s because there’s a mis-formed vertex. A tiny, tiny gap, or (my favorite) a place where two line segments were supposed to meet at a single point, but the points didn’t overlap and there’s a hanging line segment that just sort of sticks out. And what makes it more fun? You have to zoom waaaaaaaaay in to find them. I’ve learned to look at any place where there’s a sharp angle. Like banging your head on a wall, it feels fantastic when you find it and can stop looking.
Thank you! I am not ready to learn another program YET haha…but I do need to learn wth boolean is next, so tyvm. I suspected I need to start adding features on to the main bodies like you said, rather than so much push/pull. I appreciate your reply and I will pick up the ball and run with it! Cheers
Actually right after I posted this thread I looked at others of the same topic on this forum ie the person trying to draw the battleship…responses to that thread said remove sharp points as well. I went back and removed sharp points from my projection sketches and had a lot more success, but still not perfect. I also suspected it was a tiny gap that was making the projected sketch not extrude right, and your feedback confirmed it. I started zooming waaaaay in and found some errant line segments etc. based on another response to my thread I think I need to learn Boolean because before today I though that was what you do with your woman on the couch while you are watching true crime documentaries…sorry I cant resist “Dad jokes”. Thanks for your response! I have learned so much about Shapr3d in a short period and it is really exciting every time I make a breakthrough. Thanks again