Project failed

Hello. I try to use project with linked sketches. Can someone tell me please, if it’s bug on the video or I do something wrong?

Thanks for your answer.

Hi @Matthew2224

This is a limitation of the currently available sketch constraints.
When you constraint the center to be at 10mm from the right and to edges, there are actually 4 positions that match these constraints, and no easy way to say you want the one that is inside the rectangle.

So when the size of the projected rectangle changes, the SW solves the constraints in a mathematically correct way by choosing one out of the four possible solutions (in your case circle 1 or circle 2).

Obviously this is not what you need and that deserves a feature request in my opinion.

The correct solution would be to constraint also the circle regarding left and bottom edge of the rectangle so the center of the circle would be uniquely defined, but this is not really possible at present with sw version 5.620.

A workaround is to add some additional constraints that will help the SW to choose always the same solution.
In your case:

  • add a circle (in construction line) centered at the top right corner
  • add a construction line that start to the center of the hole
  • set this line horizontal/vertical and tangent to the circle

That’s the best I can suggest right now.
Hope it helps


Thanks. It’s really help. Because of you I find another option to dimension this sketch whitch is more comfortable for me. It’s very similar as your option. You can look in the video. Again really thanks


Yes, that’s way better and that’s how it must be done indeed.
Thanks for sharing this solution.

Dimensioning lines constrained to be horizontal/vertical is definitively not behaving the same as just dimensioning the center point relative to top/right edges.

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In all fairness we could and should do a better job with recognizing sketch intent in similar cases. We’ll improve this behavior this year.