Projecting body onto other body

I’m working on the following model. I want the pillars to be on the face of the round body, as a kind of ‘texture’. I tried the sweep function, but the outer border of the rounded body has no path. The rounded body is a extruded circle with fillet on top. And then there is another extruded circle on top which is shelled. What is the best course of action for achieving my goal here? I would image somehow to get a path along the outer edge of the rounded body, sweeping a rectangular sketch along that path, and then using a circular pattern. But for the life of me I can’t figure out how to do this.

Hi @olemoi

Welcome to the forum.
Is it what you want to do?


Yes exactly! Thank you so much! :pray:t2:

I learned a quick trick too from this! Thanks!

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