Prusa Mini Stabilizer w/ Handle

The Prusa Mini is a bit unstable when the print head is near the top and running back and forth at high speed. Print quality suffers when you are at near max build volume especially to the left side of the print. I will be uploading to for all who feel they need it.


Available for download here: Prusa Mini+ Stabilizer w/ integrated carry handle by Oregonerd | Download free STL model |

Nice design and nice use of the Webviewer that shows how it’s attached to the Mini.

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I’ll have to make this for my mini…thanks!

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The stabilizer has a key that fits firmly in the 8mm base extrusion T-slot. Snap it in and slide the stabilizer toward the vertical extrusion. The mini also has a goofy pan head bolt at the bottom of the vertical extrusion that sticks out. I made a depression to accommodate that (rev 2, grrrrr…)

Speaking of nuts and bolts…I have yet to design a print that relies on them, but am working on one now and found this awesome video…

What I do is to import models of nuts and bolts I am using from McMaster Carr (free). I did that for the aluminum extrusions as well. I carefully place them precisely where the are assembled and or need to be.That makes it easy to sketch holes and make clearances. Also the bolt’s thread can be subtracted from a model to create threads easily. However, they can be a bit tight. For that I take a bolt and cut a vertical slot in the threads with a Dremel tool to make a thread chaser. Works great! Taps are a bit aggressive.

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I might remix this design to integrate the display mount.

I had to make a revision before this one. Prusa is stingy with it’s ribbon cable and they Poohpooh making a longer one citing com timing issues. The cable is the bare min length to reach the display as is.

I’d like to move it back a tad and add a side to side swivel so I can position the printer sideways, turn the display and still operate it easily