Re-import imported geometry

Please follow the format below for requesting a feature.

The problem that this feature will solve: Make simple adjustments to imported geometry in the source model

Being able to revisit the Import command in the history tree and re-import a step or .shapr model would assist in modelling assemblies because adjustments to imported geometry could be done in the source model. Re-selecting the source file in the original import would then update that imported geometry in the assembly.

Brief description of the outcomes that you expect from this feature: Faster design iteration of variations of assemblies based on common components.

This feature should allow designers to edit and create multiple similar assemblies based on parts that are design separately

What can’t you achieve without this feature?

this is again a quality of life issue. doing small modifications to imported geometry in the history of the assembly can lead to unpredictable results. Especially when the align function is used subsequent to the import.

Commented on something similar in another request thread…

I’d love to have the derive function like Fusion does. Derive/import the parent model into your current one, use it as needed, and any future changes to the parent model propagate to the models where it was derived.

If you’re controlling multiple parts with common features, or are iterating multiple parts w/ multiple generations, this type of feature is an absolute must to prevent errors and ensure consistency between models.