I need to create some screw threads, matching male & female. These need to be functional - i.e. work when I physically print them.
I’m new to Shapr3D and have 3.0.4. I searched for tutorials but can’t find anything definitive, certainly not about v3. Apologies if I missed something.
I am thinking that I could perhaps create a triangle (simulating a cutting tool on a lathe) and sweep that along a path defined as a helix to create the thread. Is this a best practice technique or am I approaching this task in the wrong way? Any suggestions on how to create a thread on a machine bolt?
Many thanks Daniel - I just found this myself and came back to say that.
Excellent tutorial, very clear and intuitive. I need to play around a little to understand how to use this technique to create a corresponding female thread.
Hi. I have tried following this screw tutorial video and I can’t seem to select the surface of the point of the screw when creating the construction axis. I can select the bottom of the screw head, but not the point surface. I have tried to recreate the project multiple times and keep hitting the same issue. Any suggestions what I might be doing wrong?
Hey - that video is no longer available, but this webinar snippet (see timestamped link below), should give you a good idea how to approach the problem: