I’m a mechanical engineering student and I often travel by train, where I try to use the time to work on my projects. I have a Samsung tablet, which I could use for modeling, but unfortunately, Shapr3D isn’t available on Android. This is a problem for me because I’d like to create and edit 3D models during my trips, rather than wasting time during commuting. If the app was available on Android, I could work efficiently anywhere. Without it, I have to wait for my laptop or a computer, which slows down my work.
shapr for android
I would also strongly support an Android tablet port.
(FWIW, I went by the Apple store here in Austin hoping to try out Shapr3D on Vision Pro. They had never heard of it, and discouraged me from trying to run real apps on it, saying it’s focused on things like the immersive 3D movies and photo experiences that are nearly all that’s shown in their demos. I came away impressed with it for a v1.0 experience, but also with zero desire to buy it, even if it were a couple of kilobucks cheaper.)
You’d have a whole lot more people using Shapr3D on Android tablets (which are undergoing a renaissance of sorts right now, especially on fast e-paper devices) than you’re going to have for Vision Pro. (Heck, you’d have a lot more people using a Linux port than Vision Pro…)
another one for shapr on android.
75% of the world is on android (phones i know) but that tells the tail of how much more potential this app could have.
I agree! I wish they would make it available on the android/google system.
I think the issue, at least the first issue, is that Shapr3D probably doesn’t pay attention to these messages in the discourse. If they did, they probably wouldn’t see all the people asking for android. Our problem is that we may have 100+ messages saying we want Android, but then there’s only 12 people that comment. I know it wouldn’t be easy, but we need to find a way to get everyone to ask and agree on one Topic message so they see there’s a lot of us. It’s almost like we need to start posting Topics/Groups that read “Glad you agree, go to such and such message!” Hahaha maybe it would catch on with the other user that have started a new topic about Android and direct anyone that might comment to our main Topic/Message.
Just some late night thoughts haha!
I would do what ever is needed to recommend Android, but in previous post Shapr officially said Hard No to Android.
Basically saying development for Android is not worth it for them, something like devices are too fragmented.
Dang, I didn’t know Shapr3d had said all that, that’s a whole different ballgame. I guess if they don’t think it’s worth it then I guess there isn’t much we can do.
I’m not an apple user besides my phone, but the screen is too small, I wouldn’t be able to see squat! If it even works on Apple phones.
I’ve never wanted an iPad, and I don’t have a need for a tablet, sort of lol, I do have a google pixel nest thing that’s like a google home with a detachable tablet. That’s the time I do find myself using a tablet, when I’m sitting on the couch and the Google Nest tablet thing dings, then I pick it up and start using it for hours hahaha! So that’s hours of time I could be spending modeling in Shapr3d.
I think that was the message I read, I have a nice S8 Ultra collecting dust.
If Shapr called up Samsung and ask for Exclusive partnership and funding thats a possibility, many App maker have done that in the past. They could also hire an Android Developer Trainee Intern (ME!) and have them port it over for free over the summer I can give it a shot but on Unity Game engine .