Sketch fillet tool/Arc tangent auto-constraint

The problem that this feature will solve:

Adding fillets to a sketch is a tedious multi-step process. There is no tool to select two lines and connect them with a tangent fillet radius.

Alternatively, using the arc tool it’s possible to connect two lines with a radius. With auto constraints turned on, Shapr will make the two ends of the arc coincident to the lines you are connecting, but will not make it tangent. Furthermore, while setting the arc radius, if either connecting line isn’t locked, it will move one of the connecting sketch lines. I have to lock parts of the sketch that don’t necessarily need to be, set the radius, then apply the tangent constraint one at a time.

Using the circle method, I have to draw a circle to represent the radius, make it tangent twice to the two lines, then trim the excess.

I understand that I can extrude the non-filleted sketch, add the fillet, then project the face back onto the sketch, but that’s too many steps, in addition to having to go back into the projected sketch and add tangent constraints to the projected fillet.
This method is also not always practical.

Brief description of the outcomes that you expect from this feature:

Ideally, a fillet tool that allows me to select two (or more) lines and add a fillet, set the radius and done.

Alternatively, modify the arc tool auto-constraints to behave as a fillet tool. You would still have to sketch the arc, but it would constrain as a fillet and modify the radius without moving other sketch elements.

What can’t you achieve without this feature?

Quickly add fillets to a sketch without multi-step workarounds.

Is this a workflow blocker for you? Is this why you can’t use Shapr3D for work? Is this slowing you down?

It is slowing me down. I have the need for speed. :racing_car:


I love Shapr3d and have used it for over 3 years. I can’t believe we still don’t have fillet and chamfer options in sketch mode. I’ve used CAD systems for 30 years now and have used fillets extensively in the sketching phase of creating models. There are many reasons to use fillets/chamfers in sketches rather than adding them later in extrusions.


Sketch fillets are coming with the release of the release of parametric modeling


Don’t see it in there yet; is it still coming?

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Yes, it’s in the scope of parametric modeling. I can’t give you an exact delivery date yet.

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Pushing for this feature too. Im coming from space claim where this is stupid easy. Click fillet tool the two lines and call out the radius you want. It even auto trims for you. Please add asap