Sluggish response to user input

Thanks again for your patience around this. We’ve been busy investigating this issue and I’d like to give you a quick update and ask for a bit more help.

We still believe that it is a combination of a number of independent things, not a single issue. We’ve already fixed a few, so you can expect an improvement in the releases in the coming weeks, but there are also a few outstanding problems we are still investigating.

One of those is where we could use your help, and where we might be able to offer a workaround. On macOS, the slowdown seems to be somehow connected with the “Keyboard navigation” setting within the “Keyboard” settings:

If it is turned off (which is the default setting) the app tends to be a lot slower if the Items menu is also open. This slowdown occurs even for completely empty workspaces, even right after the app is started, and it seems to affect sketching the worst – and goes away as soon as the Items menu is closed. If keyboard navigation is turned on, that problem goes away, regardless of the state of the Items menu.

Those of you facing this issue on macOS, could you check if changing that setting fixes the slowdown issues for you?

Unfortunately, this setting is not available on iPads. We are working with Apple to troubleshoot how these things are connected.