Hi Shapr3d team,
A little more input on Laggy when Items List is open…
Working on a relatively small project. Less than 10 bodies including some threads, made with the revolve tool. Trying to do a body selection by double tapping Apple Pencil is very difficult. I close the Items List, and double tapping does select the body; however, the selection is slow. I watch the status bar, it starts out showing “face selected.” The adaptive menu changes. A second later the body is selected, the status bar is updated as is the adaptive menu.
It looks like the pencil taps are processed sequentially. It would seem that processing the double tap event is awkward. Perhaps delaying the processing of the first tap by the double tap delay threshold time would be better? i.e. determine if it is a single or double tap before processing it.
I’m curious, what triggers Shapr3d to rebuild the project by “re-playing” the action history list?
Most of the time I keep the Items List closed. 
Sorry, I cannot upload this project. If necessary, I’ll build a non-sensitive model.
Version 5.580.0 (6669) beta
iPadOS 17.4.1 (21E236)
Thanks for the report!
It’d indeed help a lot if you could record a video (with tutorial mode options turned on in Settings) and share the design. We’ve fixed a lot of similar issues in recent releases but there could be something specific to your config or your design that we missed.
You could also share the video & design privately via email to peter.gyongyosi@shapr3d.com and we’ll treat it confidentially, but if that’s not possible, of course a reproduction with a non-sensitive model would be great as well.
Hi Peter,
I can see that you have fixed some issues in the recent releases. A few weeks ago, after opening a project, it was difficult to select a body with the Items list open at all. It was very predictable. It didn’t matter if I just opened Shapr3d and started working on a project, having the Item list open was bad (with respect to trying to select a body by double tapping pencil) and with the Item list closed it was good.
Today it is different. I open Shapr3d and can select bodies by double tapping. So I opened 15 apps attempting to tie up some memory and still no problem selecting. After a couple hours with Shapr3d open I started having a slow down. Sometimes I could select by double tapping, but not always. I closed Shapr3d, reopened it and still had problems.
So I closed it again to turn on the tutorial mode and started recording my screen on a test model. You will see especially at the end of the video the laggy response. But, you will also see that bodies are selectable with the Items list open, but the lag is sufficient to see the status bar show that a face is selected (on the first pencil tap) followed by the body selected when the second pencil tap is processed as a double tap. At that point I’ve trained myself to type ⌥ ⌘ S to close the Items List so I can keep working.
iPan Pro (12.9-inch) (6th generation)
Model MP663LL/A
Apple Pencil V2
Apple Magic Keyboard
Shapr3d 5.580.0 (6669) beta
iPadOS 17.4.1 (21E236)
I appreciate all the work you and Shapr3d staff have been doing to fix this. I hope the video helps! I also want to thank you for the great enhancements over the years!
Test.shapr (852.9 KB)
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Thanks for the info, it’s super useful. Two more clarifying questions:
- When you say “closed Shapr3d”, do you mean force-closing it (swiping it up in the App Switcher) and then starting it again?
- It’s not entirely clear – does closing the Items sidebar still help in this version as well?
And one more: could this be a result of the iPad overheating and throttling back performance?
- Does the device feel hot to the touch when it happens?
- Is it plugged in? If so, do you get a “charging on hold” warning?
- Does performance get back to the previous level after a few minutes of idle time?
When you say “closed Shapr3d”, do you mean force-closing it (swiping it up in the App Switcher) and then starting it again?
It’s not entirely clear – does closing the Items sidebar still help in this version as well?
Yes, but there is still lag. It doesn’t seem consistent or predictable.
could this be a result of the iPad overheating and throttling back performance?
Does the device feel hot to the touch when it happens?
Is it plugged in? If so, do you get a “charging on hold” warning?
It doesn’t seem to matter if it is plugged in. I’ll pay more attention to this. In the video the iPad is not plugged in. I’ve never ever seen a “charging on hold” warning.
Update Mar 27: It does not matter if plugged in or battery.
Does performance get back to the previous level after a few minutes of idle time?
I don’t think so, but I will try to give a better answer later. After I start having problems, I keep the Items sidebar closed unless I really need it.
Update Mar 27: No
The problem is most noticeable with selecting bodies with pencil double tap; however I have seen a lengthy pause (with the spinning busy icon) when selecting a face as well with one tap of pencil.
Thanks again.
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