I’m looking for a solution for splitting body created in Shap3r by using mesh body as splitting tool. Below you can find screenshot that will explain where and how I’d like to split body. If there is no tool for that do you have any other suggestions how I can achieve such a split?
Shapr will split a scanned surface (STL).
Be patient the geometry is slow to process.
Decide where you want to split the body, add a plane, then move it to that position.
Now select the surface body, select ‘Split body’, and select the plane.
Click on the Tick to finish.
The thing is I want to split the body using mesh body. I want to keep mesh body intact
I want this body (marked blue) to be split and to get rid of the parts that are hanging outside the mesh body.
Oh, that’s a completely different kettle of fish! (a totally different challenge).
Will get back to you shortly.
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Are you trying to get a 12mm of negative cross section of the part? It looks like you have both sides 3d scanned.
Shapr can only cut STL it can’t form new Solid Body with it.
You would need a different tool for that like Meshmixer, Blender or Valence 3d on iPad haven’t tried it but looks promising.
To get get a 12mm cross section of your model in Blender you would just boolean what you need.
If you still need to do it in Shapr you need to use the STL as a reference and sketch what you need manually.
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The only way I can get there in Shapr is to do the following, but it is labour intensive.
Position a plane where you want to generate the profile cut.
Cut the STL surface using ‘Split body’
Now generate a sketch on that plane.
Trace along the cut edge of the surface with the 2d line tools (Line, spline, etc).
Now use this line as that side of a closed shape (like the panel you want to make).
Once you have a closed shape, you can extrude.
It took me about 10mins to trace along the cut edge carefully and generate the new body.
It is a shame, the fact that shapr can cut the 3d mesh surface and end up with a clean line means that it should be able to generate a line on that plane.
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Thanks, that’s what I was doing so far. When it comes to more complicated shapes it is a bit of work but it does the job. Thank you very much for trying to find better solution 
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The 12 mm body is solid body created in Shap3r. I don’t want to create solid body from STL. All I want to do, is to use STL as cutting/splitting tool ald split body I created.
As far as I know I have to do it manually. Thank you for help