I have a ball and want to add spots in different sizes, but following a pattern, on the ball‘s surface, that do have a differenz color than the ball itself - and I have no idea how to do this. I added a ChatGPT picture to illustrate it. Do you have hints for me on this?
Very complex ask. If you break the sphere into slices vertically like and orange using split body tool. But also split the sphere into sections horizontally e.g. like parallels at the lower 135th parallel, equator and upper 45th parallel. Then carefully unfold and flatten the pieces would one way to project to the surface for a regular pattern. Tedious to be sure
If you do not need uniform spots then drawing the spots on a plane and carefully rotating the plane or the sphere and project them onto the sphere maybe.
Thanks for your answers! I like the idea of the depressions. If the original ball would be copied on the same spot and the depressions were made in the the original ball afterwards, the copied ball could fill the depressions. But since the original ball and the copied ball with the depressions would exactly overlap in many areas, these areas wouldn‘t be displayed correctly in the color of the original ball - do you get what I mean? I think it would be necessary to kind of invert the copy of the ball, with the depressions. This body could be copied and this copy subtracted from the original ball. Does that make sense to you? Do you know if this is somehow possible?
I would create a thin hollow sphere, like a kind of skin, then project the shape on the surface and offset the face.
It would create a kind of mesh like that:
The process show in the video to create the first pentagon and hexagon and then copy them is inspired from a nice methods to model a truncated Icosahedron, which is a polyedron with 12 pentagons and 20 hexagons.