Time of free account for sharp3d(Windows)

When? Free account for sharp3d (Windows) end?
Will a free account be provided in the next updates?
Please add Rhino * .3dm format to import the software under Windows(sharp 3d)

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The same pricing tiers apply to our Windows app as for other platforms:

Users who signed up for the beta program earlier got a 1-month gift subscription that will end at the end of this month.

We are working in Rhino import, but given the differences in modeling principles of the two apps it’s not trivial exercise. In the meanwhile a path you could try is exporting an .x_t file from Rhino and importing that into Shapr3D:

Are there any plans to provide also a edu subscription plan for the window version (similar to iPad)?

Shapr3D is perfect for prototyping in a research environment and allows everyone in the team to quickly provide input and ideas resulting in a much faster progression of research projects.

Yes, it’s just a technical issue that you can’t request an edu license at the moment on Windows, the same edu license works across all platforms already.

so the free account will expired?? why it is not shown on the website??