Union - Boolean Operation Failed

I’m struggling to get what seems like a simple shape to union without a “Boolean operation failed” error. It’s a simple enough sketch that I can just start over, but I’ve been seriously struggling since the recent update with history sketches. I found out I should be selecting the sketch layer before continuing. However, this sketch was made through projecting multiple layers, that I accidentally made before realizing, onto one.

Unfortunately, I seem to have messed up something royally because I’m now unable to Union the bodies. Furthermore, when trying to trim the lines and just extrude as one piece, i get a new error “the face or sketch filling can’t be extruded because it would create a non-manifold body”

Hoping someone can help guide me on repairing this so I can fix it in the future if I ever have more complex shapes.

Processing: Screenshot 2024-07-25 115552.png…Processing: Screenshot 2024-07-25 115709.png…

It might help if you shared the project.

Yea I tried but as soon as I posted I got an error saying I’m a new user. Quite obnoxious that I need a separate login for the forum and despite using shape for years i’m a “new user” so I’m blocked from posting. I also had to wait for approval of my post so I just decided to start it over. If I can share it when I get back to my PC I think I still have the .shapr file of the issue in question.

Check to ensure you have no gaps between the bodies you’re trying to union. If they aren’t touching, they won’t union.