Boolean failed when attempting Union

I have a 10 shapes which I need to combine to make one complex piece and the software allows any combination of 8 or so parts to Union, but always gives the error “Boolean failed” when attempting to Union the last couple of shapes.

I’m very new to Shapr3D and CAD in general, so any explanation or workaround in layman’s terms would be greatly appreciated.


Hey - sorry about experience. Can you upload a picture or we’d be happy to look at the file if you send it to

Had the same issue when having to split up one body into five bodies, then make complex chamfers on all bodies. Then came down to having to Union the last two bodies and got the Boolean Error problem. I had to take a very zoomed in view of all complex edges and found two that did not meet edge to edge. Lined these up and the Union of the last two bodies were successful. Hope this helps.