Web viewer Environment export

The problem that this feature will solve:

Allow a more desirable presentation for a product with dark grey background.

Brief description of the outcomes that you expect from this feature:

Web viewer matches environment choice in shapr design.

What can’t you achieve without this feature?

Colors are perceived better on a dark grey background, which is desirable for product presentations. I currently use Vectary because of this, which is a pain in the butt when Shapr already has a great viewer.

I have a few additions to this:

  1. Disable comments from non-authors
  2. Background color / transparent / gradient of choice (instead of environment matching)
  3. Enable embedding of 3D viewer only (hide header & list of comments)

Authors could then login, add points of interest and embed viewer in their own site for feature-rich 3D demonstrations of products.

With these 3 additions, we have a great product viewer! Vectary is SO SLOW and Shapr is soooo much easier.

You can still add a watermark in the corner, but the ability to showcase 3D models on your own site is invaluable. Thanks in advance! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I would love to see:

  1. Measuring
  2. Ability to turn bodies on or off
  3. Ability to see what a body is named