Yellow caution marker on history icon

“yellow caution marker on history icon” is what I searched for here in the community. Please tell me why that returned no results. Also, please tell me what must be corrected to get rid of it. Thanks.

I think my issue is related to the fact that context for the Shapr3D interface appears to be the most difficult concept to grasp, and that I haven’t yet begun to grasp it. Anyway, I am having difficulty moving from a shape based 3D modeler (similar to Blender) to CAD modeling, so I’d like to rephrase my question. What’s the first thing I can do in Shapr3D to find details about what is wrong when a cautionary marker or symbol appears on a permanent fixture in the interface? Thanks.

I would just ignore the cautions, the errors are things that happened while making the shape so not something you necessarily need to fix, because the end shape is what you wanted.

Shapr is a parametric modeler it records all the steps needed to make the final model. Benefit is you can go back and make changes.

In Blender you get errors too but they are not recorded so you never notice them.

Thanks. I don’t use Blender (not yet, at least), it’s just the closest to what I use that has a widely recognized name.