3.9 release - Arrows, Items

We have released the 3.9 version of Shapr3D, you can already update it from the App Store.

With this release, we have made arrows available for everyone - and would love to hear some feedback. Here is a short overview on how the basic interactions have changed: https://support.shapr3d.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018885013-Arrows-changes-in-the-main-interaction


We are also introducing Items - a new way to organize all your shapes (an advanced version of Groups). You can find an overview on how to use it here:: https://support.shapr3d.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020101393-Items


You will be able to use Items in Tools and Transformations as well: https://support.shapr3d.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020102533-Using-Items-in-Tools-and-Transformations

We will be constantly updating our tutorial page (next update will contain the new beginner’s guides and some advanced concepting videos) and our manual in the next few weeks. You can already find some of the new Beginner videos on our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1A6KGB8atIc&list=PLi4l3wxwkqyyb7vxF5FeCP9wQ9t4VKCxx


Great update! Thanks!