3D Connexion Space mouse not working after latest S3D update

I’ve just installed the newest Version 5.580.0 of S3D and my 3D Connexion space mouse is not working. I have checked to have the latest update of the 3D Connexion software, reset it to defaults and tried rebooting my computer. I use the latest version of MacOS paired with the M3Pro chip.

Only the shift / control / option / command buttons work while modeling. All other buttons on the 3D Connexion mouse are unresponsive.

Any help please?

Thank you!

Did you tried to Install plugings again?

If you start demos space mouse is working?

Which one you have?

I have wireless one so I need to replug receiver almost everyday to make it work again.

Yes, reinstalling the plug-ins was the solution to my problem. All works well now!

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