I’m working on the 3D modeling a metal brooch | Shapr3D step-by-step tutorial and there is a human bust in the project so you can position the brooch on the body to determine how it would look on a person. Does anyone know where I can find more of these human body parts? I’m interested in designing bracelets and I’d like to be able to size them up on wrists.
Hi, you can download free mesh models to use them as reference from various sites, just to give you a few:
I’ve found a model in step format as well:
I recommend “MakeHuman” its free Open-source software who’s only purpose is modeling and posing fully rigged realistic human mesh models with basic clothing.
They are however mesh files, I was able to import one as a .STL, but I am completely new to Shapr3D and haven’t yet learned how to render a scene to test how it worked.