5.650 - Manage references in History

Maximize your productivity with these new updates to the History and export settings.

  • New (iPadOS & macOS): Now you can export your projects as GLB files.
  • New (Windows): Now you can export your projects as GLB and USDZ files.
  • Improved: Now you can manage references directly within the History sidebar, making it easier to work with complex models.
  • Improved (iPadOS & macOS): The export dialog user interface now matches other platforms and uses more space to make finding the right file format easier.
  • Improved (iPadOS): Now it’s easier to export directly to the Files app and through the iPadOS Share Sheet.
  • Fixed (iPadOS): The iPadOS Share Sheet now works properly when exporting files.

Check out these updates and share your feedback with us below!


really good update but there a few things that could be added to the manage references directly within the History sidebar option.
1, when you pick the fillet edge to remove in the history sidebar (show that edge being highlighted on the model) to make sure you are picking the right one.
2. it would be really great if the undo could be included in the history sidebar option so if you have a lot of edges being picked and you realize you picked the wrong one you would not have to cancel and do it all over again you could just do a undo inside the command to unselect the last picked edge or edges without having to start all over again.

Thank you for the updates.


Great suggestions. The first one works already. Does it not work for ypu?

I am using Shapr3D on Windows and Yes I see it does highlight but it is very hard to see maybe have the highlight show in a different color.


GLB export is a great benefit for me, thanks vey much :slightly_smiling_face:

I exported this as a GLB from Shapr and opened it up in Nomad Sculpt. Worked fine, all the visualisation materials transferred with the model. Glass transparency etc. all there. All individual parts of the model present and correct.

I’m extremely happy with this update.