Basic sketch problem

I’m having a fundamental problem drawing lines with an Apple Pencil Pro. I’m sure the answer is obvious once you know how…

I draw a line and then go off to do another activity in the app. I then return wanting to add another line that starts at one of the endpoints of that first line. To me the obvious thing would be, with the line tool selected, to tap on that endpoint. However that doesn’t seem to work. That just flashes up “endpoint”.

I’ve had a hunt for tutorial videos but can’t find anything that addresses this issue.

I’m using an M4 iPad Pro with the latest available update of the app:

Replying to self.
I eve dug out my old iPad Pro and the original Apple Pencil, and things seem to work as expected. Touching the pencil on the endpoint of the first line starts the new line. Perhaps a bug with the new Pencil Pro?

I dunno about the Apple Pencil pro, but this happens to me as well with the Apple Pencil 2 on my m3 iPad. I’ve had to start drawing from a different point and drag to the one I want, then add my dimensions and constraints.

In fact the consistency (or rather severe lack there of) recognize taps, double taps, strokes, etc as a file grows in size has been mind blowing.

That’s worrying if the problem is not new. Your work around is what I’ve been trying.


my understanding is the following

  • when the line is selected, you move the line
  • when one end point is selected, you move the end point
  • when nothing is selected, you draw a new line, that can start at the endpoint of an other line if you wish

So, short answer is do not tap (this select the end point) but simply draw directly from the end of the previous line.

Hope it helps

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This is all true, but there has been an inconsistency with sketching on iPad where when you go to draw a line from an existing point the program will just refuse to do so. Like it doesn’t recognize the pencil anymore. But starting from anywhere else you can draw to the point (hopefully) to create the automatic coincident constraint, same as would if you started from that point. So in other words it’s working in one direction, but not the other.

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Do you mean this is something specific to the Apple Pencil Pro that works differently compared to previous versions of Apple Pencil? (I’m still with the first gen of stylus)?

Having that problem on Win version on my Surface Pro 6. Sometimes I think it’s me. Other times…

Most, but not all, of the time it works like PEC describes with the Apple Pencil 1 on an older iPad Pro. With the new Apple Pencil Pro and the new M4 iPad Pro it occasionally works, but mostly does not.

I have the latest available app build (selected update on the App Store) on both devices.

As it stands it is not really a workable sketching medium.

Maybe @istvan will hop in on this. Seems more like a bug in the system. The difficult part is it’s not easy to reproduce, it just happens sometimes. During those times I cuss a lot.

I’ve noticed this too recently. To be fair I don’t model on iPad much but I’ve noticed that when trying to draw a line from an end point sometimes instead of drawing the line it starts pulling the selection square.

I’ll also add it does a similar wacky thing when trying to drag to select. Press and hold and instead of the selection marker popping up it will go into sketch mode. Mainly in planar views and not all the time.

It just seems like my pen is unresponsive at times. When I’m frustrated dealing with that, add to it is the behavior where it jumps out of the tool your using, default back to line tool or whatever if you miss a point or line by a mm. I hate that! HATE IT! If I selected the trim tool and miss the line by a little, it changes to line tool. Miss the target with other tools and it jumps to sketch mode. effbomb infuriating.