Basic Visualization Animations

The problem that this feature will solve: Currently only Photos can be expoted from the Visualization Menu. Complex mechanisms or assembly plans are hard to show trough single screenshots.

The implementation of animations into the software could make its visualizations much more interesting, because videos are a lot more impressive to most people. Even short ads or mechanical functions could be realised with it.

This would make Shapr3d a lot more powerful in Visualizations, because even its animations are easy to learn, in comparison to other animation softwares.

The best application for this are complex mechanical features, which would be hard to explain to viewers unknown to the topic. With the help of some basic animation features, presenting these topics would be much easier. But also for designers, this might be a useful feature.

I hope it gets inplemented in a major update in the future, and also Iā€™m sure other people feel so too