Animation in Sharp 3D

Do you have to plan to add Animation options in Sharp 3D - (now i need to save all in a 100 pictures and next use Final Cut to do a animation)


I’ll bump this post as well, this is a missing core functionality to show breakouts and such…


This would be great.


After watching the latest webinar from Shapr3d showing off the new web viewer and such, it seems animations will have to be a logical next step.

Any input on this from the roadmap @Istvan


What kind of animations would you like to see in Shapr3D?


I think it will be good if first you add function that i can add my camera position (point of view ) and do the shot, next do some “normal” editing (what sharp 3D can do now) and next come back to the my camera position again and do another shot, and next the same till i will have all shots for final cut to do a video.

So totally i need one camera position for the all shots (after changing and fixing objects)

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That is not advertising - you can just see how i did animation now:

All on this site from Sharp3D

I currently make fly over and fly through videos of my drawings by moving model, take screen shot, move model gain and take screenshot etc in stop motion style that is painful but actually works quite well when you get into it but…
The ultimate would be a key frame type of scenario where you arrange the model for a start view, then move model for a mid point view then finally an end point with the last view and it animates the model in between. This would give a great amount of flexibility to create many animations and not requiring users to learn technical animation. You could include a speed control in there as well for faster or slow animations, this would be a very intuitive way to create the animation you want.
I have looked everywhere for just to be able to do this but cannot find anything yet software (fantavision) i used back in 1990 had this feature and made animation a breeze.

Another method i have been trying on ipad is to take screen recording then move the model


I’d like to be able to link bodies, to allow multiple bodies to articulate- in a similar way that sketches are linked. I’m not really interested in animation for its own sake, but to check for collisions in linked assemblies



Regarding the type of animation - really animation of assemblies.

For example, imagine modeling something like a concealed hinge that has several linkages with several pivot points. Being able to animate its movement from to closed position would be huge.

The foundation for this seems to already be there with adding a construction axis through a cylinder. However I cannot have movement across multiple rotation points to verify design.

Fusion360 has this functionality, but I cringe having to use it. I’m too comfortable in the wonderful Ui/ux kf Shapr3d to want to use a different program for that! :grin:


There is a very simple but fantastic animation method using keyframe photos in the app “mental canvas”. By setting the scene of what you want in each shot then being able to adjust the speed between them, you can easily and quickly create the movie you want to present. The ability to just delete a shot, adjust the view and add another is this is brilliant. This is exactly how I had visioned animation on shapr3d, simple, intuitive and effective to create videos of 3d models……
This allows you to make an easy presentation, rather than moving the model in the app to show people as those not used to 3d software can find the spinning and turning disorienting, better just to make a movie.

Yes agree with all the comments. I have models that are very dynamic in practice and have springs that compress with moving parts. Would be cool to accurately simulate the movement and compression of parts to make short videos. And love the idea of moving the camera as well to make them more interesting. This would be a really excellent addition.

And yes, this is something Fusion360 is great at. So please bring to Shapr3D. Thank you.


Would be so great to have video pre-recorded with smooth fly-through flows for customer presentations. Requesting this feature also.



I’ve been requesting this, it’s “on the list” but no confirmation on when it will be released. This is a must have for anyone making assemblies with any type of moving parts or interaction. Now i have to spend hours and $ to 3d print parts to test fit and get an idea when doing it in 3d space would be minutes and free.

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yeah - we can design great models using Shapr3D but now we want to be able to create realistic animations - think of the animations of how fire-arms work on youtube, Here’s a selection -( )which have precise and specific movements that happen at differing parts of the firing cycle. It’s a great tool also for demonstrating proof of concept of how something works.

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A simple animation demonstrating how to assemble the product would be ideal. It would be great if this feature is available in Shapr3D.

Please see this yotube video.


Hi All,

Was just looking for a simple way to animate a 3d object created in shapr3d, was hoping there was a built in feature, but not yet!

However, after a bit of Googling, I found a 3D animation feature in PowerPoint. Just used it to test this 3D animation of a part downloaded, added colour in shapr3d, exported as GLB (to retain colours) and added to Powerpoint

Used 2 slides, each has a different default view, has an animation of “rotate” and morph between slides.

I might do a tutorial video if it helps and I find time!


It would be great if you could add an animation path and fly the camera along it.
Then you could add a path that goes in and out of your model, building or whatever item, you wish to explore with a camera.
Blender has this kind of functionality, along with a timeline, key frames, layers & filters etc.

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Very nice! Tutorial is great idea for work-around while waiting for a new Shapr3d tool. .

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