Better UI for the Translate/Copy toggle

First of all I really appreciate the redesigned UI, it fixed some small but annoying nuances and also is way more appealing visually so you must have worked a lot on it, thank you!

But the UX of the Translate/Copy toggle is a step back in my humble opinion. My problems are the following:

  • The collapsed menu doesn’t show any information about the state of the toggle at all. I need to hover the menu with my pointer to see what is going on. I double checked this toggle many-many times when I needed more than 5 seconds to zoom/rotate several times to perfectly position my start and end points. Snapping works almost perfectly but in some cases you just don’t see one of the points immediately so you need to navigate to somewhere else. And when you use this tool many times in a short period of time you’d like to make sure you copy something by looking at the toggle. I know I could turn on the labels to see them all the time in settings but I don’t want to see all the labels, all I’d like to see is the state of this toggle.
  • The bigger problem is that I need to click twice to turn this on or off. This should be one click and one click only. I get it though, the UI is more unified this way but here you just sacrificed the UX for the sake of a better looking menu. And UX is your strong suit so please work on this a bit more.

Here is a screenshot (macOS 13.5.1 Shapr3D 5.450.0):

The iPad app (iPadOS 16.6 Shapr3D 5.450) is a little bit better because the labels are always visible as we don’t have hover state there (maybe we do with a mouse attached, I use the pencil exclusively):

The old UI had a separate toggle on the top left, it was always visible and I needed to tap one time only.


  • Maybe you could use a different color when it’s on or off but colors are already a bit inconsistent in my opinion or at least i don’t see the reasoning behind them. The translate tool is a perfect example, I hit N, I select my bodies then I see a green Next button. After selecting the start and end points I see a blue Done button. Why? I’d keep green for Next/Done and use blue for the active state of toggles.
  • Use a different UI for simple toggles/checkboxes like the Translate/Copy and comboboxes/selects like the Add (Axis/Plane/Image/File) or Sketch/Spline (Control/Fit). The former should be just one click like everywhere else, basically in any desktop app or on any web app while the latter could keep the current UI with the opened list of options. I think the components are already different because you don’t have the small indicator in the bottom right corner of the Translate/Copy button. It needs a bit more love only.

Edit: here is a list of toggles with the very same problems:

  • Translate/Copy
  • Union/Keep Originals
  • Intersect/Keep Originals
  • Split Body/Keep Originals
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Thanks for the detailed feedback. You are right about the issues that you’ve identified. We are planning a slightly larger change around how these tool options are presented as part of the introduction of parametric modeling — it was actually one of the major reasons we did the UI refresh. Our approach will address the problems you mentioned.

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