Boolean operation failed - no clues as to why

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Highlighting failure points of a Boolean operation

I create complex aesthetic models for 3D printing. And often hit the brick wall if not being able to join them once complete. It takes me hours to hunt down the small touches and glitches that make a simple join actually work.

All I want is a clue as to what is causing the boolean operation to fail. Highlight the pieces that are causing it at a minimum. But better would be to highlight the pieces causing the issues and move the cam to to the position of issue. A window with a count of the issues and a forward and back button to each issue would be great.

Without this kind of feature Iā€™m having to spend hours trouble shoot and bumble around trying to get the object to join.

I would rather not have to learn another 3D program in order to try and speed up my work flow to a manageable speed.

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