There is an issue with the new colour scheme for Subtract Boolean function.
I see that others have posted about it, but not tried to define when it happens.
It works perfectly if you only have two bodies selected.
It also seems to work fine as long as the purple body is at the front.
If the purple body is behind the blue body and you select another blue body, the purple body now becomes solid and moves to the front layer.
Although it seems the purple/pink lines are always on top.
This stops visibility of the blue highlighted bodies.
see attached pics, hope this helps
also, why does “subtract” have to be in ‘x-ray mode’ where every hidden line is suddenly visible, crowding up the screen? One does not always need to see internal or hidden geometry in order to select a part to remove from another. It should be an option, sure, but in normal function it seems to me it would be much cleaner if it didn’t expose all the sketch lines and whatnot.
And another thing-- the “+” icon is not ideal. I’m not ‘adding’ anything when using the subtract tool, so the “+” icon popping up is not really indicative of the function being performed. The “-” symbol, of course, makes perfect sense- since it IS called the “Subtract” function-- but rather than “+” the other icon should say something like “Keep” IMO which would be completely self explanatory, especially for newbies.