I exported a very simple file in DXF format. However my CAM software says the file is empty, or contains items it can’t read (see first screenshot).
However, if I export the same file to Sketchup, and re-export it as a DXF file, it imports without issue. Any idea what’s going on?
Could you share the DXF file here or with our Support team? We could look into it and hopefully figure out what’s going on.
The forum won’t allow me to upload a DXF file…
Thanks. Will do.
Hallo ich habe das gleiche problem meine Software ( myplasm) erkennt die dxf dateien auch nicht mehr.
Ich hoffe es kommt bald eine Lösung raus
I have the same problem. Since the update from version 5.810 or 5.811, my DXF files can no longer be recognized. It seems that the file version is too high. I have to convert the DWG format to a lower version of DXF file to use it.
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