Seeking help for the issue of a too high DXF version

This update seems to have upgraded the DXF version, making my other software unable to recognize the image. Is there any good solution? Thank you.

Because the device I’m using is quite old and the software on it can’t be updated, this makes me have to use another software to convert the format.

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Hello I have the same problem my software (myplasm) does not recognize my sketches in the dxf anymore. Show only unreadable. Why has something been changed?

I hope there will be a solution soon

Hallo ich habe das gleiche problem meine Software ( myplasm) erkennt die dxf dateien auch nicht mehr.
Ich hoffe es kommt bald eine Lösung raus

It seems that the update to version 5.810 has made the exported DXF file version higher. I can only convert the version through other software to make it usable on my device.

Any solutions on this yet? My laser cutting contractor can no longer ready my files?

After upgrading the program version, the dxf file is too high and the program on old hardware no longer reads my files. Please return the dxf files back

My current temporary solution is to export the DWG format and then use software to convert it into a lower version of DXF.


Just tried DWG export with my contractor and it worked but he said it came through quite weird which is concerning…

When the update was made, it wasn’t taken into account that the old devices couldn’t recognize it. This has seriously affected my work. I hope they can update it in time.

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Hello I have the same problem my software (myplasm) does not recognize my sketches in the dxf anymore. Show only unreadable. Why has something been changed?

I hope there will be a solution soon