Can’t move a body and sketch while both selected

I was working on a model and wanted to move some bodies and related sketches. I could move them separately but not together. I’ve always been able to do this. Maybe a bug?

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This is a known issue with the update. I believe it’s being corrected in the upcoming update along with other fixes.

We are not sure yet if we can solve this particular issue. We are working on many other improvements though.

Is this due to HBPM? Prior to the update if I had say, a sub-assembly with bodies and sketches in a folder, I could select the whole folder and move it as one.

Now, since sketches are tied that’s not possible and have to individually select the bodies to move. However that’s a bit counter-intuitive to having the sketches tied to the bodies to begin with.

With 20+ bodies, or sub assemblies within sub assemblies this can become increasingly tedious now. I suppose with the collapse history feature it will be easier, but then that erases the dependencies making HBPM not applicable.


Yeah it’s a pretty big workflow issue. I’m getting around by moving my sketches to a separate folder, but that is not an ideal workflow. This also results in my sketches ending up in different places/orientations to the body that they created.

What do you mean you might not be able to solve this issue? It’s the way the program worked.

Since sketches are now connected to bodies, changing a sketch changes the body too. Thus changing a sketch and a body in the same operation would be problematic. Eg. you rotate the sketch, that rotates the body. Meanwhile you also rotate the body, so it now rotates by 2x more degrees.

Also rotating a sketch rotates its plane while rotating the body adds a Move/Rotate operation.

Can you explain why this is an important part of your workflow?

If they’re connected, then one would think that by moving or rotating the body it would also move and rotate the sketch and by default it’s sketch plane, no?

The way things are set up now, the body is connected to the sketches, but the sketches are not connected to the body. This is what @Justin074 and I were discussing 3 days ago. Justin even did some quick mockups as examples.

Meaning, everything has to be done through the sketch itself, modification, rotation, placement. Or else that sketch won’t follow the body if you have to align it to a different part. Especially visually this is problematic. It’s visually easy for me to take a part or assembly, select a feature and align it with another part. If the sketch(es) don’t follow that part then it’s a half in half out scenario when it comes to the connection and the dependencies. Sure the parts are now where they need to be, but the sketches aren’t creating a huge disconnect both visually and intuitively, perhaps naively, believing they should remain connected.

Workflow wise it’s as I described, if you have these sketches and parts in a folder you can’t select that folder and move it into alignment with another body or within an assembly, which is exactly how the old version worked.

It’s almost as if now everything will have to be built in place to keep those sketch to body relations intact, and you can never move it. But if you do have to move it, you now have to move the body as one, then the sketch as another.

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It can be an option but it would introduce further UX issues, as this would be the only operation that changes things “backwards” in the history automagically.

Why is it important to my workflow? I’ll try to explain by giving examples.
1- In the video above I’m making a 180 degree couch. I’m working out the profile, cushions and frame. Then I want to move all of that to the proper location in the vehicle. So I want to grab it all and move it together.
2- I’ll reuse parts from one thing and use them in another. I like to grab the bodies and sketches as a copy and then start working on the variant of the original in a new location.

Also this seems to affect mirror. This is less than ideal because the user needs to find and remove all sketches, I made a video showing how i can’t mirror my model.


I see, thanks, this is helpful.

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