Can’t move a body and sketch while both selected

If they’re connected, then one would think that by moving or rotating the body it would also move and rotate the sketch and by default it’s sketch plane, no?

The way things are set up now, the body is connected to the sketches, but the sketches are not connected to the body. This is what @Justin074 and I were discussing 3 days ago. Justin even did some quick mockups as examples.

Meaning, everything has to be done through the sketch itself, modification, rotation, placement. Or else that sketch won’t follow the body if you have to align it to a different part. Especially visually this is problematic. It’s visually easy for me to take a part or assembly, select a feature and align it with another part. If the sketch(es) don’t follow that part then it’s a half in half out scenario when it comes to the connection and the dependencies. Sure the parts are now where they need to be, but the sketches aren’t creating a huge disconnect both visually and intuitively, perhaps naively, believing they should remain connected.

Workflow wise it’s as I described, if you have these sketches and parts in a folder you can’t select that folder and move it into alignment with another body or within an assembly, which is exactly how the old version worked.

It’s almost as if now everything will have to be built in place to keep those sketch to body relations intact, and you can never move it. But if you do have to move it, you now have to move the body as one, then the sketch as another.

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