Change Request / Poll: iOS top toolbar position

Since the recent visual refresh of Shapr3D, there have been several posts commenting on how useful the top toolbar is within the iOS app.

I’d like to put forward a suggested UI update/improvement regarding this topic.

The problem that this feature will solve:
Increase the usable space within the design area and reduce visual clutter/distraction.

Brief description of the outcomes that you expect from this feature:
The top toolbar will be moved from the main design area, into a less prominent area such as the pop-out project pane. Existing functions of the toolbar will be retained, such as naming the project and ‘more actions’ such as share will be available from the ellipses menu. The large ‘Share’ button can be removed, as the share menu will still be accessible through the ellipses menu (…).

As several users have previously commented, the functions within this menu are typically only required a few times during the design process, so demoting the toolbar to this less prominent area seems to make more sense, and I wouldn’t anticipate it causing a problem for most users.

What can’t you achieve without this feature?
The design workspace feels constrained with the top toolbar permanently in view.

The attached short video shows a proof of concept for the suggested change request…

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Would you like to see the suggested change implemented?
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On the IpadOS system, I think we should wait for the next generation Ipadpros.
What will happen if the dynamic island comes?

Interesting point, but I would say that the current top toolbar occupies more screen space than a Dynamic Island would take up.

Also, even if the Dynamic Island was introduced on iPad, I think I’d much prefer the discrete black pill of empty space over the under-utilised controls and distraction of the top toolbar.


Actually, I would have it the other way around. It is cumbersome to open a panel to switch between modeling and visualization. It would be better with a toggle in the top middle part of the screen. Faster at least.