Copy a face to then extrude it

Hello folks, I cannot work out how to copy this face to then extrude as a new body.

In F360 I can extrude and set as a new body, but I can’t work it out in Shapr3D. any advice?

Hi @HarrisonDavies

Instead of copy then extrude, just extrude then change the type to new body. In the parametric version you can change it after the action.

After you start your extrude, look for the little icon showing the type of extrusion:

Click that icon then change to New Body. From there you can position it where you want it.

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Okay, it only appeared after I selected the input field and entered and number and hit the tick/check mark is that correct behaviour?

For the devs, it’s now functioning with the arrows after having input the number.

I almost always drag the arrow to start the extrusion, but yes, you need to start it by dragging the arrow or putting in a number. When you have one sketch and extrude, you won’t get the option to change the type, it has to be a new body. If you extrude into another body then it will automatically change to Subtract. When you start the extrusion that intersects with a body (like the example above), it will default to Union.

And sometimes, if you are extruding such that it would create a non-manifold body, you won’t have a choice, and a new body will be made. (Or it will give you an error)

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Thanks, Bob, I do think it was a glitch/bug. Wouldn’t appear on drag, until I’d input. a number. May have been an issue with the model?

Now it appears each time on drag and input. hopefully doesn’t happen again.

Thanks for the help.