Feature Request: extrude to object

Here is an example of where I am attempting to fill in a hallow rectangle. In Fusion, I would simply click on my face, choose extrude, and then choose the target fact to extrude to. But in Shapr, it seems I need to measure the exact distance that I want to extrude and then enter that value in. This will be problematic with parametric modeling as if I change the length of the box, the extrusion will not match

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In the parametric beta it’s already implemented. Just drag the extrusion to any body or face.

And it works with bodies too, not just with faces:

Cool!! :sunglasses: Thanks!

You can also just select the faces to delete the hole:

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Thank you, that worked. Although, it’s not quite that predicable. It’s only working sometimes… I would much prefer if I could do it in two clicks instead of a drag and drop. There might be situations where the face / body I want to extrude to / match is out of the view and it’s a bit clumsy to have to orbit while dragging the extrusion point.

Here’s a reproducible example of how I broke the dragging functionality

You didn’t break it, the first operation is an extrusion. De second one is offset face. Only extrude snaps. Face selection defaults to offset, not extrude.

It’s a shame that this doesn’t work on existing bodies:

The video should now work

Can you share the video?

The video should now work

It’s the same issue as here:

For faces, the default operation is Offset face, not Extrude. When you do the second operation, it’s an Offset face.

I understand that this might be confusing, we are looking into solving this issue.

Ah, I see. Could we put in a request to allow for choosing the destination object / face with a second click instead of a drag and drop? For the reasons I mentioned previously about how it might not be as easy to locate it all the time in one motion

We’ll consider it, thanks for the feedback. Currently you can also select the closing object from the history panel if dragging is inconvenient.

Also, maybe this should be a separate post / request but another feature of fusion extrusion that I will need is offset and two direction

Offset - choose either a distance, param, or another face to start the extrusion. This is useful if you want to create an object that isn’t flush with one edge but is a fixed distance away

Two direction - fusion supports different distances for each direction, but even just a mirrored extrusion from the starting plane would be helpful

You could also use ‘replace face’…


Honestly just separate icons for the offset/extrude interactions would be a big help, UX-wise. There’s the box at the top, but I can’t tell you how quickly I started tuning that out when I got into Shapr3D. (Which is definitely a ‘me’ problem, but also apparently not just me, as it seems to be a common issue of not realizing which you’re doing)

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Hello Istvan,

Could you take a look to the patterns into this. When I tried to extrude it works strange and gives a total different result: