Create cone with threading

I can’t get threads to form around a cone.

I also dont get why the threads exceed the height of my cyllinder when both are set to 10mm?

It’s been addressed here before. Search might help.


I try to make an drillbit like object.

1cm³ tall and round pyramid head with external thread.
0.4 mm triangle groove.

3cm long *1cm diametre cylinder with internal 0,4cm

It should make a drilbit like object.
4cm in length and continuous tread down the lenght.
0.4mm equilateral triangular groove.

I succeded in making the cyllinder using revolve.
Anoying I coudnt select an option for a smooth thread as the module refuzed when transceeding making a colliding object.

Now I’m stuck making the piramid/cone head.

Can someone write out the apropiate way or ways to make the drillbit head?

Show us what you have and sketch what you need on it?

The 3cm height should consist of a triangular groove.
Completely skinning it.

The head with the same thread.

Not sure you can get that to work on a pointed cone. A tapered cylinder would work.

What are you intending to drill?

Modern microwave motor unit.

It spins and makes magnetic field.

Hi Delibit

Maybe you can get some ideas from this post


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