DO NOT INSTALL macOS 15 (Sequoia) beta 1!

This probably applies to iPadOS 18 beta 1 too. I installed it on my MacBook Pro and now Shapr shows an infinitely spinning beachball when attempting to open any project or do anything with a new project. It still works fine on my iPad, which is still running iPadOS 17.x.


I have also noticed that I am able to create a new project but unable to add a sketch to the project or import into an existing project. Hope this helps the troubleshooting.

I also reported it to Apple through the Feedback Assistant, so hopefully between Shapr and Apple they can get it figured out.

I have an iPad M3 running iOS 18 that works very well with shapr3D. MacOS 15ā€¦NOT so much. works until you load a file, then it crashes.

Confirming this also happens to me on the macOS 15 beta.

In general, we strongly recommend against using the macOS betas in production. We donā€™t support beta versions, and you can expect similar issues.

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Completely agree that MacOS betas should not be run in production! At this point only fellow Mac developers have access to the betas. I think the idea behind this thread was to give the Sharpr team a heads up on an impactful issue so that it can be prioritized appropriately. MacOS Sequoia will not be released until later this fall. Apologize, if this was not appropriate or there is another way to try to provide feedback

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I was more warning other users so they didnā€™t make the same mistake I did, but that was a consideration too.

Iā€™m having the same issue, unfortunately I canā€™t roll back my system to macos 14 and still need to continue working in 3D, so Iā€™m sad that Iā€™m looking for alternatives

You should be able to roll it back by just reinstalling macOS 14 from the App Store.

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FYI: Sequoia beta 2 is out and the issue still persists.


Funny enough I was able to launch app one time as ā€˜sudoā€™. I had to enter my credentials again and I could open and edit project. After trying to open second project hangup with a spining wheel came back. Now ā€˜sudoā€™ or ā€˜non sudoā€™ not working anymore. Last log from terminal when first time have opened app as ā€˜sudoā€™, maybe devs could look into it.

sudo /Applications/ 
2024-06-25 07:47:28.621 Shapr3D[2830:54513] [Firebase/Crashlytics] Version 10.25.0
2024-06-25 07:47:28.632 Shapr3D[2830:54513] {
2024-06-25 07:47:28.649 Shapr3D[2830:54513] <Warning>: The value for FacebookAdvertiserIDCollectionEnabled is currently set to FALSE so you're sending app events without collecting Advertiser ID. This can affect the quality of your advertising and analytics results.
2024-06-25 07:47:29.266 Shapr3D[2830:54558] Product request failed with error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 "Couldnā€™t communicate with a helper application."
2024-06-25 07:47:29.342 Shapr3D[2830:54575] {
    SKOrigBundleRef = "5.20.0";
2024-06-25 07:47:29.354 Shapr3D[2830:54513] Unbalanced calls to begin/end appearance transitions for <_TtC7Shapr3DP33_0BAF3C4C7F019EDCB192EAB4EC0FE41A21InitialViewController: 0x11cf1ad70>.
2024-06-25 07:47:47.173 Shapr3D[2830:54513] TISFileInterrogator updateSystemInputSources false but old data invalid: currentCacheHeaderPtr nonNULL? 0, ->cacheFormatVersion 0, ->magicCookie 00000000, inputSourceTableCountSys 0
Keyboard Layouts: duplicate keyboard layout identifier -17410.
Keyboard Layouts: keyboard layout identifier -17410 has been replaced with -28673.
Keyboard Layouts: duplicate keyboard layout identifier -30769.
Keyboard Layouts: keyboard layout identifier -30769 has been replaced with -28674.
Keyboard Layouts: duplicate keyboard layout identifier -14934.
Keyboard Layouts: keyboard layout identifier -14934 has been replaced with -28675.
2024-06-25 07:48:17.013 Shapr3D[2830:54513] Warning: The selected font is a system font, but the macOS font panel will not show system fonts to the user. When configuring a text view to display rich text, you should only use fonts that are available for selection (see NSFontManager.availableFonts). A fallback font (Helvetica) will be shown to the user instead.
2024-06-25 07:48:19.275 Shapr3D[2830:54513] Warning: The selected font is a system font, but the macOS font panel will not show system fonts to the user. When configuring a text view to display rich text, you should only use fonts that are available for selection (see NSFontManager.availableFonts). A fallback font (Helvetica) will be shown to the user instead.
2024-06-25 07:48:19.284 Shapr3D[2830:54513] Warning: The selected font is a system font, but the macOS font panel will not show system fonts to the user. When configuring a text view to display rich text, you should only use fonts that are available for selection (see NSFontManager.availableFonts). A fallback font (Helvetica) will be shown to the user instead.
2024-06-25 07:52:08.310 Shapr3D[2830:54513] Warning: The selected font is a system font, but the macOS font panel will not show system fonts to the user. When configuring a text view to display rich text, you should only use fonts that are available for selection (see NSFontManager.availableFonts). A fallback font (Helvetica) will be shown to the user instead.

unfortunately its not a macOS issue as much as it is shapr3D not being compatible with the beta operating system.

it would have to be fixed at the shapr3D end, and betaā€™s change so often that it isnā€™t always possible to create a version that specifically works with the beta unless they are specifically testing a beta that also happens work with the apple beta.

Could it be that Shapr3D requires any specific allowance, as an example a ā€œFull disk accessā€ or something when opening the project? Kind an only software which is not working on a ā€œSequoia Beta 2ā€ which Iā€™ve tested.

I donā€™t think you can necessarily say that. Apple could have screwed up something in the first beta and didnā€™t fix it in the second. They are betas after all, meaning they still have pnenty of bugs.

Will add some more context to error, this time from lldb:

2024-06-25 21:54:56.641123+0300 Shapr3D[1934:22488] [CursorUI] ViewBridge to RemoteViewService Terminated: Error Code=18 "(null)" UserInfo={ process disconnected remote view controller -- benign unless unexpected,}
2024-06-25 21:54:57.693778+0300 Shapr3D[1934:22488] Warning: The selected font is a system font, but the macOS font panel will not show system fonts to the user. When configuring a text view to display rich text, you should only use fonts that are available for selection (see NSFontManager.availableFonts). A fallback font (Helvetica) will be shown to the user instead.
2024-06-25 21:54:57.711206+0300 Shapr3D[1934:22488] Warning: The selected font is a system font, but the macOS font panel will not show system fonts to the user. When configuring a text view to display rich text, you should only use fonts that are available for selection (see NSFontManager.availableFonts). A fallback font (Helvetica) will be shown to the user instead.
2024-06-25 21:54:57.773103+0300 Shapr3D[1934:22488] [Window] No window found for context 335e8925
2024-06-25 21:54:57.776243+0300 Shapr3D[1934:22488] [Window] No window found for context 335e8925
2024-06-25 21:54:58.634370+0300 Shapr3D[1934:22488] [general] osEligibility.status reasons is empty

Quite likely that we all will need to wait for devs to start using newer xcode. Meh, will need to learn to work with iPad and pencil fast :slight_smile:

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I also have this problem on macos15beta2. Hope it can be resolved one day.
Hopefully these issues can be resolved during the beta testing period rather than waiting until the official version is released.

If itā€™s a problem in macOS, then that might happen. If itā€™s a problem in Shapr3D, I wouldnā€™t count on it.

For those that want to / have to install Mac OS beta (developers etc), I highly recommend you install Sequoia on another drive. I have it installed on my external ssd drive and just select the startup disk to boot into either.

This is the main reason why Apple puts out betas. So that those developing for Appleā€™s platforms get a heads up and resolve any issues found in beta before it becomes a public release.

It stands to reason that a beta release has the potential to break many and any apps. I would not install a beta on your main drive you use to get work done.