I want to design a lamp similar to this but having a lot of trouble using the Spline and Projection features to recreate this. Is there a better solution?
Use the Polygon tool and insert how many fanned out ends you want by inputing sides, I put 72.
Use it as a guide so you can use the pattern tool repeat.
Since I have 72 side I need to use the circular pattern tool to repeat 72 times.
This good lamp idea, put some more effort in design and use WLED.
That looks amazing! How did you manage to get waves on the side? Do you have a video recording of your process by any chance? I’m still learning this tool so I’m still not completely sure how you did it based on the screenshots
Actually that part is easiest. There is a flat lip, made it so that I can extrude it out.
You can do so by clicking on that face and hit space so you can draw the fan shape with the spline too.
I’ll record for the version 2.
Took a better look at the original and did loft instead of cut.
Thank you so much. This is immensely helpful and exactly what I’m looking for
If I may add my 2 cents worth here. The ‘vase’ (as I see it) is a bit more complex. It is cylindrical in shape but not a cylinder. I used a guided Loft and Pattern to create this shape. It is not 100% accurate as there is an anomaly with the loft. Anyway, this is quite close to the original shape.
I found this interesting because its Vase vs Lantern.
There is many Vase tutorials.
Lantern would be more like folding paper!