Dr Operator designs

Hey, what’s up, longtime Shapr3d user here. I design online under the name Dr Operator, have been using Shapr3d exclusively for the last 2-3 years and thought it was about time to share some of my work with the Shapr community.

I design 3D printable things and make those designs available for free via MakerWorld.com. I’d like to share some of those designs with you now.

First up is a fully functional clock (using the Bambu Lab clock kit) designed to look like the character Cogsworth from the Disney movie Beauty and the Beast.

Next is a Phone Bed Wireless Charger. I got my hands on a wireless charging kit and this seemed like a no brainer. Even put in a couple of functional drawers for storage. Now when my phone is being difficult, I can say stuff like “Go to bed phone, you’re drunk”.

This one is the Magnetic Flame Candle. This is an LED lamp that turns on or off by adding or removing a flame. I recently just finished a wireless version (Not uploaded yet) as seen in the video. The lights aren’t super bright in the video, but it is the middle of the day here.

Overall, I’ve been very pleased with Shapr3D and I look forward to re-upping my subscription for another year in March.


Those are really cool. Very imaginative ideas.

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Nice job! Are those the Bambu magnetic switch LED modules? I have some. I haven’t looked closely at them yet. Love your candle stick idea. Is it available for download printing?

If they use and MCU it should be easy to reflash some the code to add flickering affect.

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Those are the 7mm Round Magnetic Connector With SH1.0 Connector (2Pair) that connect the LED inside the flame to the candle itself.

I made two versions. One that uses a power distribution board with an external power source, but that pretty well makes the lamp stationary. The wireless version uses a Rechargeable Power Kit, is fully mobile, and what you see in that video. Here are some pics of inside.


Nicely done! I’ll have to order that kit and the magnetic connectors.

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