Drill hole with included angle

Hello. This is Priyank.
I need to drill holes with included angle. The default extrude command make the bottom of the hole flat. What i need is included angle like 118 degrees or 90 degrees.
What is the best way to do it?

Hi Priyank,
welcome to the community.
For the 90°-angle I would suggest simply use a chamfer at the bottom of the hole. As the standard-Value for this feature is 45° you will receive a 90°-drill-tip-like-hole.

The 118° are a different story… the only way to manually set the geometry of chamfers is to give two distances - but that is not convenient in your case (you would have to do your math).
So if you really want 118° I would use the revolve-feature. As I personally find it a little awkward to select sketch-geometry for features that is inside a body I tend to create an own body (lets call it a drill if you like), put it where my hole needs to be and subtract this volume from my block.

Thats the way I would do it today (tomorrow I might think different) - but I am sure there are many others here, having other Ideas!
Cheers Matt

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This sounds like something I was inquiring about before.

edit: This request was made prior to the 2-distance chamfer addition, but as @Matt_the-Rathje points out, this requires calculating the two dimensions to achieve the angle.

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It’s high time this feature is introduce.
My work includes designing and manufacturing manifolds for hydraulics. I have been using UG NX for my work so far. It has this hole feature in which you can input the depth of the hole say for eg. 5mm. The degree part (included angle) which I’m talking about starts after the 5mm depth.
If I have to create a solid body for hole and then subtract it, it can be very tedious and time consuming because I have numerous holes with varying depths on a single model of manifold. Also, having to do the math to find input values is also time consuming.
I wish this feature is introduced in future updates
